
Velvet Tamarin ( Trái say vn)


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Velvet Tamarind

Velvet Tamarind

Introduction of Velvet Tamarind

            Scientific name – Dialium indum

Velvet tamarind comes under the Leguminosae family which is tall, growing under tropical climatic conditions and also bears fruits. The fruits are similar to the grapes and are consumable containing hard shells which must not be consumed. Since the fruit contains tamarind flavor it has its English name as tamarind. Taste is both sweet and sour, More than Tamarind it is sweeter, dryier and has powder like consistency with a firm shell. When the fruit is dried it becomes powdery and the orange color possess a tangy flavor. Every fruit contains only one firm seed which is flat, circular, brown in color with a width of 7-8 millimeters and a thickness of 3 mm. The seed is a look alike of a watermelons seed having 2 seeds. The seed has a glossy finish and has a coating of starch.